Biblical Coaching for Women

Meet Lynne

“Sometimes women need to reflect and talk-out the everyday challenges of life. I love encouraging women and helping them process what the Bible has to say about their situation.”

– Lynne

Lynne Thompson is a Bible teacher, wife, and mother. As a Biblical Coach, she loves encouraging women in their walk with God. Lynne is author of The Official Soccer Mom Devotional (Regal Books) over 13,000 copies sold. She was also known for her ‘Soccer Mom Moments’ broadcasted throughout the United States and Canada on Focus on the Family’s Weekend Magazine radio show. Additionally, Lynne has published over 500 articles, including one featured on the website. Her recent book publications are the fictional Wag Series of books for the teen market, and How Anxiety Destroyed King Saul and How to Fight Fair and Win, which she co-authored with her husband Pete Thompson, LCSW.

Lynne’s favorite role is wife to Pete of 38 years, and mother to their two adult children. Lynne enjoys speaking and teaching, coffee, jogging with the family dog, and writing. You can reach Lynne with the form below or call 940-218-0999