Faith Walking









The Bible is literally filled with many people who left the comfort of home and went elsewhere: Adam and Eve left Eden, Abram left Harran, his homeland, Noah had to leave home and climb aboard a boat, and the Hebrews (although not comfortable, but still familiar) left Egypt. Regardless of the “where” changing addresses and circumstances is the same for everyone, it is moving from the familiar to “The Unknown.” As a native Californian who just left everything and moved to Texas, I now realize how often I read about those passages in scripture and breezed through the obvious. I didn’t breathe in the gravity of the discomfort, and at times the fear, of embracing someplace new.

Gone are my routines, my go to’s, my usual. Most of the time I’m lost on the road. I don’t know what doctor to go to, or even where to get my haircut. But like the patriarchs before me, I don’t travel alone.

The kindness of God followed Adam and Eve when Yahweh himself provided clothing and shelter in a now, cruel world. Abram didn’t look back, but followed God’s direction to something bigger, better, and miraculous. Noah ignored the opinions of the multitude and listened to God’s voice, adhering to every tiny detail. The Hebrews took a risk for sure, and at times wondered if the decision to leave was the right one, but with God’s leading by day and by night they ventured forth.

You see our Lord is in the habit of moving his people. Where they currently are isn’t where they must remain. Sometimes it’s due to circumstances, other times opportunities are waiting, or it’s an escape from danger. Whatever the reason I am sure of one thing, “He Goes With.” Because he is a loving God, a Savior, and a Comforter, he has promised never to leave us or forsake us. It’s a promise I cling to as I venture into my new life.  Change will come to all someday, what a joy to know we never travel alone.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9



Update: My private practice is still very much alive and well as I see people across the United States via Skype and FaceTime. I also see people in person in North Texas. My phone number remains the same. Please feel free to contact me with your mental health needs. -Pete

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