Happy New Year




Once again we begin a new year, fresh and clean as
new fallen snow; not yet trampled by the events to follow. It is a year of endless possibilities. So in an attempt to lay beautiful footprints we begin by taking a step forward with our New Year’s Resolutions.  But alas, three months in, we realize that we have made a mess of yet another year, and can only hope the year ends quickly with as little damage as possible.

But wait, I have discovered a resolution that is practically fail proof. Curious?

First let’s analyze why resolutions fail to begin with. Basically, we attempt to fulfill our resolution by placing hope in ‘self’. We actually believe that with enough will power we can get it together and stop bad habits. And we can…for about two months.

Now for the resolution that won’t fail.

If we make a resolution to call out to the God of the universe and ask him for his strength to do what is ultimately good for us, we can turn this ship around. It’s a daily commitment to call out to God and let him work on you until it that one struggle is no longer a problem. It puts a new spin on the New Year because God is changing us from the inside-out making us more like him.

Sometimes God uses people to help you with these changes in your life: family, pastors, and yes, even therapists like myself. So I challenge you to take on this new resolution which is,

“I resolve to call on God every time that old habit threatens to take over and hijack another year.”

Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


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