Holiday Cure



be-thankfulIt’s the holidays and everyone is supposed to be happy, joyful, and merry, so why do you feel a touch of the ‘humbug’ coming on?  Mainly it comes down to focus. Holidays are NOT about Black Friday fights for stuff, Aunt Susie’s bad attitude, or what gifts go under the tree. It’s about thankfulness.

“Now our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name.”

-1 Chronicles 29:13

We have a lot to be thankful for. At Thanksgiving the Pilgrims almost starved, and there were people of two very different cultures that came together on that day and shared a peaceful meal. We too come together to give thanks to the God who provides a bounty of food and blessings.

At Christmas we are thankful that a holy God didn’t walk away from this sinful world, but instead offered up his only son to die for undeserving people. God came as Emanuel, God with us. We have hope of forgiveness from sin and promises of a better life here in fellowship with him, and in eternity.

So let’s grab hold of what the spirit of the holidays were meant to be and not get caught up in the mundane and superficial. Things that won’t matter 20 years from now. So be of good courage and keep your heart focused on the eternal perspective. God has called you to be an influence for good. Regardless of what anyone around you chooses to do you have the power to demonstrate thankfulness. A cure for any of the Jacob Marley’s you may encounter. Merry Christmas Everyone!



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