Mother’s Day



My dad used to joke that the first day of school should be called Mother’s Day. Moms are able to take a deep breath as they drop their little ones off at school, return to family routines, and gain back some personal space. As for me, I didn’t experience that ‘holiday’ since my mother committed suicide when I was four years old.

Over the years I’ve wondered what having a mother would be like. I received glimpses, watching my wife with our two children.  I would have loved a mother like my wife. There’s something unique and magical about the child/mother relationship that only God in his perfect wisdom could design.

It’s no wonder I became a mental health counselor. I’ve reached out to others, including women, who struggle, like my mom did. I guess I wanted to help heal the brokenness in other’s lives before it was too late.

For 28 years God has used me reach the brokenhearted with hope and restoration, and I’m so thankful.  Somehow God blessed and redeemed the chaos of my childhood for his good purposes; beauty from ashes.

It’s just as 2 Corinthians 1:4 says, it is God, “who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

This is my calling. Happy Mother’s Day.

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